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Françoise Madeleine Hardy pronounced [fʁɑ̃swaz aʁˈdi]) (born 17 January 1944 in Paris) is a French singer, actress and astrologer. Hardy is an iconic figure in fashion, music style and personality in the Francophile world.

Françoise Hardy signed her first contract with the record label Vogue in November 1961. In April 1962, shortly after finishing school, her first record Oh Oh Chéri appeared, written by Johnny Hallyday's writing duo. Her own flip side of the record, "Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles" became a success, riding the wave of Yé-yé music in France, with two million sales.

Hardy sang in French, English, Italian, Spanish, and German. In 1963 she came fifth for Monaco in the Eurovision Song Contest with "L'amour s'en va". In 1963, she was awarded the Grand Prix Du Disque of the Charles Cros Academy.

In 1981, she married her long-time companion Jacques Dutronc, with whom she had had a son, Thomas Dutronc, in 1973. In 1994, she collaborated with the British pop group Blur for their "La Comedie" version of To The End. In May 2000, she made a comeback with the album Clair Obscur. Her son played guitar and her husband sang the duet "Puisque Vous Partez En Voyage." Iggy Pop and Г‰tienne Daho also took part. Hardy lives near Paris and Dutronc lives in Monticello, Corsica, although they remain a couple.[citation needed]
  • MOI VOULOIR TOI by Francoise Hardy music video
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    j'ai toi
    pour dГ©coller d'la planГЁte
    et s'envoler Г perpГЁte
    j'ai la meilleure des recettes
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    sans haut ni bas
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    pour dГ©coller d'la planГЁte
    autrment qu'en superjet
    qu'en soucoupe ou en nature
    qu'en yogi ou en poГЁte
    pour perdre carrГ©ment la tГЄte
    sans presser sur une gГўchette
    exclusif, je regrette
    moi vouloir toi
    de haut en bas
    de bas en haut
    sans bas ni haut
    sans haut ni bas
    moi vouloir toi

    moi vouloir toi
    moi vouloir toi
    pour dГ©coller d'la planГЁte
    y a des plans plus ou moins nets
    comme les piqГ»res en cachette
    l'alcool et les cigarettes
    y a des pilules, des tablettes,
    des salades sans vinaigrette
    moi je suis toujours Г la fГЄte
    j'ai toi
    pour dГ©coller d'la planГЁte
    et s'envoler Г perpГЁte
    j'ai la meilleure des recettes
    moi vouloir toi
    moi vouloir toi
    de haut en bas
    de bas en haut
    sans bas ni haut
    sans haut ni bas
    moi vouloir toi
    pour dГ©coller d'la planГЁte
    autrment qu'en superjet
    qu'en soucoupe ou en nature
    qu'en yogi ou en poГЁte
    pour perdre carrГ©ment la tГЄte
    sans presser sur une gГўchette
    exclusif, je regrette
    moi vouloir toi
    de haut en bas

    de bas en haut
    sans bas ni haut
    sans haut ni bas
    moi vouloir toi

    Contributed by Samantha H. Suggest a correction in the comments box.

    Françoise Madeleine Hardy pronounced [fʁɑ̃swaz aʁˈdi]) (born 17 January 1944 in Paris) is a French singer, actress and astrologer. Hardy is an iconic figure in fashion, music style and personality in the Francophile world.

    Françoise Hardy signed her first contract with the record label Vogue in November 1961. In April 1962, shortly after finishing school, her first record Oh Oh Chéri appeared, written by Johnny Hallyday's writing duo. Her own flip side of the record Read Full Bio Françoise Madeleine Hardy pronounced [fʁɑ̃swaz aʁˈdi]) (born 17 January 1944 in Paris) is a French singer, actress and astrologer. Hardy is an iconic figure in fashion, music style and personality in the Francophile world.

    Françoise Hardy signed her first contract with the record label Vogue in November 1961. In April 1962, shortly after finishing school, her first record Oh Oh Chéri appeared, written by Johnny Hallyday's writing duo. Her own flip side of the record, "Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles" became a success, riding the wave of Yé-yé music in France, with two million sales.

    Hardy sang in French, English, Italian, Spanish, and German. In 1963 she came fifth for Monaco in the Eurovision Song Contest with "L'amour s'en va". In 1963, she was awarded the Grand Prix Du Disque of the Charles Cros Academy.

    In 1981, she married her long-time companion Jacques Dutronc, with whom she had had a son, Thomas Dutronc, in 1973. In 1994, she collaborated with the British pop group Blur for their "La Comedie" version of To The End. In May 2000, she made a comeback with the album Clair Obscur. Her son played guitar and her husband sang the duet "Puisque Vous Partez En Voyage." Iggy Pop and Г‰tienne Daho also took part. Hardy lives near Paris and Dutronc lives in Monticello, Corsica, although they remain a couple.[citation needed]

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