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Le Corbusier - Restoration of the Immeuble Clarté (2016, Hardcover) ebook TXT, PDF, FB2


Das Buch schreibt die Geschichte von Le Corbusiers erstem Mehrfamilienhaus 'Clarté' ins 21. Jahrhundertfort.Der 1930-1932 in Genf errichtete Stahlskelettbau ist einVorläufer und Prototyp derModerne. In den 1990-er Jahren wurde das Gebäude unter Denkmalschutz gestellt. Seit 2007 wurde zunächst die Aussenhülle und anschliessend das Gebäudeinnere unter exemplarischer Berücksichtigung der denkmalpflegerischen Anforderungen erneuert., The book tells the story of Clarte, Le Corbusier s first apartment building. The steel skeleton building completed in Geneva in 1932 is a precursor of the Unite d Habitation. In 2007 the external envelope was repaired, followed by a refurbishment of the interior, in which preservation requirements are exemplified. The building log book is illustrated with new and historic drawings and photos, and enriched with the building s history. ", The book tells the story of Clarté, Le Corbusier's first apartment building. The steel skeleton building completed in Geneva in 1932 is a precursor of the Unité d'Habitation. In 2007 the external envelope was repaired, followed by a refurbishment of the interior, in which preservation requirements are exemplified. The building log book is illustrated with new and historic drawings and photos, and enriched with the building's history.

Le Corbusier - Restoration of the Immeuble Clarté (2016, Hardcover) download ebook EPUB, FB2

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